Adding Counter Names and Descriptions to the Registry

The names and descriptions of all performance objects and their counters are stored using the registry. You must add this information for the objects and counters you add to the system.

The following example shows the registry location where performance counter names and descriptions are stored.




            \Windows NT



                        Last Counter = highest counter index

                        Last Help = highest help index


                            Counter = 2 System 4 Memory ...

                            Help = 3 The System object type ...

                        \supported language, other than U.S. English

                            Counter = ...

                            Help = ...


To add names and descriptions of the objects and counters for your application, use the lodctr utility included with Windows NT. The lodctr utility takes strings from an .INI file and adds them to the Counter and Help values under the appropriate language subkeys. It also updates the Last Counter and Last Help values. In addition to adding values under the PerfLib key, the lodctr utility also adds the following value entries to the Services node for the application.



Error! Bookmark not defined.        \CurrentControlSet




                        First Counter = lowest counter index

                        First Help = lowest help index

                        Last Counter = highest counter index

                        Last Help = highest help index


Using lodctr

The command-line syntax for lodctr is:

lodctr MyApplication.ini

Initialization (.INI) File

The .INI file used by lodctr has the following format:





// One key (value optional) for each language supported.







// Name and description for each counter or counter object


offset_langid_NAME=Name         //  Counter  name string.

offset_langid_HELP=Description  // "Help" description string.





The .INI file entries are variables with the following meanings:




The name of the application found under the CurrentControlSet\Services key.


An .H file containing symbolic offsets of counters. The performance DLL also uses the offsets in this file along with the First Counter and First Help Registry values to determine the indexes of the various counters and counter objects.


An ID corresponding to the language subkey in the Registry (for example, 009 for U.S. English).


A symbolic constant defined in SymbolFile. Offsets must be consecutive, even numbers beginning with zero. These offsets determine the order in which the counters are installed in the Counter and Help values in the registry.


The following is an example SymbolFile.



#define OBJECT_1    0

#define DEVICE_COUNTER_1    2

#define DEVICE_COUNTER_2    4


The following is an example .INI file.

// begin .INI file example










OBJECT_1_009_NAME=Device Name

OBJECT_1_009_HELP=Displays performance statistics on Device Name

OBJECT_1_011_NAME=Device Name in other language

OBJECT_1_011_HELP=Displays performance of Device Name in other language



DEVICE_COUNTER_1_009_HELP=Displays the current value of Counter A

DEVICE_COUNTER_1_011_NAME=Counter A in other language

DEVICE_COUNTER_1_011_HELP=Displays the value of Counter A in other language



DEVICE_COUNTER_2_009_HELP=Displays the current rate of Device B

DEVICE_COUNTER_2_011_NAME=Counter B in other language

DEVICE_COUNTER_2_011_HELP=Displays the rate of Device B in other language


If you run lodctr to add counters for an application and the application does not have a Services key, lodctr returns without modifying the Perflib values.


Note  The loading function of LODCTR, LoadPerfCounterTextStrings, is declared in LOADPERF.H and exported from LOADPERF.DLL. This allows you to call this function directly from your install program. For example

LoadPerfCounterTextStrings (MyApplication.ini, bQuietModeArg);

where MyApplication.ini is the name of your initialization file and bQuietModeArg is a Boolean parameter that indicates whether to display output during the loading of the counter text strings.